Escape from Tarkov Wiki

Dieses Wiki ist ungefähr auf dem Stand der Spielversion (Juni 2022).
Für die aktuellsten Informationen steht unser englisches Hauptwiki zur Verfügung.


Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Corr (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Sardukk (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
|icon ={{{icon|}}}
|icon ={{{icon|}}}
|icon size ={{{icon size|}}}
|icon size ={{{icon size|}}}
|group1 =General data
|group1 =Allgemeine Informationen
|label2-1 =Type
|label2-1 =Typ
|content2-2 ={{{type|}}}
|content2-2 ={{{type|}}}
|label3-1 =Slot
|label3-1 =Steckplatz
|content3-2 ={{{slot|}}}
|content3-2 ={{{slot|}}}
|label4-1 =Weight
|label4-1 =Gewicht
|content4-2 ={{{weight|}}}
|content4-2 ={{{weight|}}}
|label5-1 =Grid size
|label5-1 =Größe
|content5-2 ={{{grid|}}}
|content5-2 ={{{grid|}}}
|label7-1 =Sold by
|label7-1 =Verkauft von
|content7-2 ={{{trader|}}}
|content7-2 ={{{trader|}}}
|label8-1 =Repair price/time
|label8-1 =Reparatur Preis/Zeit
|content8-2 ={{{repair|}}}
|content8-2 ={{{repair|}}}
|label9-1 =Attachment for
|label9-1 =Modifikation für
|content9-2 ={{{attachment for|}}}
|content9-2 ={{{attachment for|}}}
|group10 =Performance
|group10 =Leistung
|label12-1 =Recoil %
|label12-1 =Rückstoß %
|content12-2 ={{{recoil|}}}
|content12-2 ={{{recoil|}}}
|label13-1 =Effective distance
|label13-1 =Effektive Reichweite
|content13-2 ={{{range|}}}
|content13-2 ={{{range|}}}
|label14-1 =Ergonomics
|label14-1 =Ergonomie
|content14-2 ={{{ergonomics|}}}
|content14-2 ={{{ergonomics|}}}
|label15-1 =Firing modes
|label15-1 =Feuermodi
|content15-2 ={{{fire modes|}}}
|content15-2 ={{{fire modes|}}}
|label16-1 =Rate of fire (RPM)
|label16-1 =Feuerrate (RPM)
|content16-2 ={{{rof|}}}
|content16-2 ={{{rof|}}}
|label17-1 =Accuracy
|label17-1 =Genauigkeit
|content17-2 ={{{accuracy|}}}
|content17-2 ={{{accuracy|}}}
|label18-1 =Sighting range
|label18-1 =Sichtweite
|content18-2 ={{{sightrange|}}}
|content18-2 ={{{sightrange|}}}
|label19-1 =Modes
|label19-1 =Modi
|content19-2 ={{{modes|}}}
|content19-2 ={{{modes|}}}
|group20 =Ammunition
|group20 =Munition
|label21-1 =Caliber
|label21-1 =Kaliber
|content21-2 ={{{caliber|}}}
|content21-2 ={{{caliber|}}}
|label22-1 =Default ammo
|label22-1 =Standartmunition
|content22-2 ={{{def ammo|}}}
|content22-2 ={{{def ammo|}}}
|label23-1 =Muzzle velocity
|label23-1 =Mündungsgeschwindigkeit
|content23-2 ={{{velocity|}}}
|content23-2 ={{{velocity|}}}
|label24-1 =Default mag
|label24-1 =Standartmagazin
|content24-2 ={{{def mag|}}}
|content24-2 ={{{def mag|}}}
|label25-1 =Accepted ammunition
|label25-1 =Aktzeptierte Munition
|content25-2 ={{{ammo|}}}
|content25-2 ={{{ammo|}}}
|group35 =Looting
|group35 =Looten
|label37-1 =Loot experience
|label37-1 =Looterfahrung
|content37-2 ={{{loot xp|}}}
|content37-2 ={{{loot xp|}}}
|label38-1 =Examine experience
|label38-1 =Untersuchungserfahrung
|content38-2 ={{{exam xp|}}}
|content38-2 ={{{exam xp|}}}
Zeile 60: Zeile 60:
{{Infobox weapon
{{Infobox weapon
|Bild =
|image =
|Bildgröße =
|image size =
|Icon =
|icon =
|Typ =
|type =
|Steckplatz =
|slot =
|Gewicht =
|weight =
|Felder =
|grid =
|Preis =
|price =
|Seltenheit =
|rarity =
|Reparatur =
|repair =
|Modifikation für =
|attachment for =
|Ergonomie =
|ergonomics =
|Reichweite =
|range =
|Konvergenz =
|convergence =
|Kaliber =
|caliber =
|Standard Munition =
|def ammo =
|Geschwindigkeit =
|velocity =
|Standard Magazin =
|def mag =
|Standard Magazin =
|def mag =
|loot xp =
|Erfahrung Aufsammeln =
|exam xp =
|Erfahrung Untersuchen =

Version vom 13. Mai 2019, 13:52 Uhr

Infobox Waffe


Template to display information on Weapons


{{Infobox weapon
|image              =
|image size         =
|icon               =
|type               =
|slot               =
|weight             =
|grid               =
|price              =
|rarity             =
|repair             =
|attachment for     =
|ergonomics         =
|range              =
|convergence        =
|caliber            =
|def ammo           =
|velocity           =
|def mag            =
|def mag            =
|loot xp            =
|exam xp            =